Do you steer clear of smiling on a regular basis because you hate the way that your teeth look?
You’re not alone! Studies have shown that almost 30% of people avoid smiling when taking photos thanks to their teeth.
If you fall into this category, you might be asking yourself one simple question right now: “Can adults get braces?” And you’ll be happy to know that adults can, in fact, get braces if they want to.
There are many adults out there who are choosing to do it, too. In recent years, about 1.5 million adults have made appointments with orthodontists in the U.S. and Canada to get braces.
Before you book a visit with an orthodontist, though, there are some things you should consider. Here are several questions you should ask yourself prior to getting braces as an adult.
Why Do You Want Braces?
The majority of the people who ask the question, “Can adults get braces?”, do it because they want to straighten their teeth. They hate the way their teeth look and want to feel more confident when they smile and show their teeth.
This is a great reason to get braces as an adult. But it’s far from the only reason for adults to consider getting braces.
There are lots of other benefits of getting braces in your 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s and 70s in some cases. Braces will do so much more than just make your teeth straighter.
Braces will also eliminate a lot of hiding spots for bacteria in your mouth. This will decrease your chances of having to deal with periodontal disease.
They’ll ensure that your teeth last longer than they might otherwise, too. You won’t have to worry about crooked or misaligned teeth cracking or chipping when you’re eating.
You won’t just be investing in your smile when you get braces as an adult. You’ll also be investing in your long-term health and making yourself a much healthier person overall.
What Kind of Braces Are You Going to Get?
Outside of thinking about why you want to get braces put on your teeth, you should also spend some time thinking about what kind of braces will work best for you.
As you may or may not know, there are a bunch of different types of braces that an orthodontist can use to straighten your teeth. You can request everything from traditional metal braces to Invisalign braces that are barely noticeable.
Teenagers and young adults don’t always have to spend too much time thinking about what kind of braces they want. People aren’t going to bat an eye when they see them wearing braces.
But adults often attract a little extra attention when they wear braces. It’s why many of them choose to go with braces that are hard to see. They’re able to straighten their teeth with these braces without turning any heads.
How Long Are You Going to Need to Wear Braces?
One of the things that you should keep in mind when it comes to getting braces as an adult is that adults often have to wear braces for longer than teenagers to straighten their teeth.
The teeth that you have in your mouth as an adult are a lot more set in their ways, so to speak, than the teeth that teenagers have. As a result, adults usually need to keep braces on for an extended period of time to see definitive changes with their teeth.
They usually need to wear some kind of retainer after they get their braces taken off, too. This prevents their teeth from shifting back to the way they were in the years after braces.
Are You Prepared to Take Care of Braces?
Everyone who gets braces put on their teeth, regardless of age, will need to work to take good care of them. But those adults who decide to get braces will need to work extra hard to keep their braces and their teeth clean to maximize their impact.
You will need to get into the habit of brushing your teeth in the morning, after every meal, and at night when you have braces. Flossing your teeth will also be of the utmost importance.
Additionally, orthodontists will often tell their adult patients to make regular appointments with both their dentist and a periodontist when they get braces. It’s essential for them to avoid gum disease at all costs when they have braces since it could complicate the process of straightening their teeth.
You’ll need to be ready to care for your teeth and stay on top of all the different appointments that you’ll have. If you don’t do these things, it could turn getting braces into a nightmare.
How Much Are Braces Going to Cost You?
Most of the teenagers and young adults who get braces put on their teeth don’t have to worry about covering the cost of them. Their parents foot the bill and prevent them from having to worry about paying for braces.
But when you’re an adult, that won’t be the case. You’re going to have to figure out the best way to pay for braces, and it can be expensive at times to do it.
On average, most people pay almost $6,500 for braces. But the cost could be much higher than that for some people, especially those who need to keep braces on their teeth for two years or more.
Make sure you’re financially prepared to pay for braces and all of the orthodontist visits that come along with them.
Stop Asking “Can Adults Get Braces?” and Get Them Soon
Maybe you just started thinking, “Can adults get braces?” Or maybe you’ve been thinking it for years.
Either way, you should know that it’s never too late to get braces! There are more and more people enjoying the benefits of getting braces as an adult, and you could be next.
Once you’re done asking yourself the questions found here, schedule an appointment with an orthodontist in your area. They can tell you more about how braces can help you get straighter teeth.
Go read our other articles for more tips on taking better care of yourself as you get older.