Here’s One Piece Of Technology Apple Is Too Busy To Design. Eat Your Heart Out, Smartphones!
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Three digital media students from Stockholm, Sweden have created the world's simplest and most genius communication tool: the iCan Phone! As much as we...
Look Up: The MOST Important Video You’ll See All Month…
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The last time we saw a video this profound, it changed how we drive - this one will change how you use technology. We...
WATCH: Kids Reacting To Computers From The 1970s Is A Laugh-Inducing And Time-Telling Experiment.
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The Fine Brothers’ YouTube series called “Kids React” is a constant reminder of how quickly times do change. Their newest video entitled “Kids React...
Watch: Homeless Man Turns Down $100 And Takes Coding Lessons From A Computer Programmer Instead.
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23-year-old Manhattan-based programmer, Patrick McConlogue, passes by a homeless man named Leo on his way to work every day. After seeing Leo several times...
This Is Genius! Fake Apple Store Employee Completely Pranks Unsuspecting Customers.
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Comedian and prankster extraordinaire, Tyler Fischer, stars in this hilarious prank on Apple Store customers. His delivery is masterful---you can pretty much convince any...
Facebook Time Machine: Find Out How Many Days You’ve Wasted On Facebook.
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TIME magazine's tech page put together this fascinating calculator that, with the click of a button, will tell you how much time you've lost...
Time Warp: A Report From 1981 Attempts To Predict Online News And The Future Of The Internet.
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It's crazy to try and wrap your mind around a time when people were predicting what the internet would make possible. Now that it's...
This Deaf Football Player Was Picked On, Picked Last And Told To Quit. He Played On…All The Way To The NFL. Meet Derrick Coleman.
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Derrick Coleman is a game away from being in the Super Bowl with his team, The Seattle Seahawks. Seattle is known as the hardest...
Born Deaf, She Never Thought She’d Hear…Then This Happened. Luckily, Someone Filmed It.
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Imagine going 29 years without ever hearing your voice. Now imagine your reaction. This is better than that.CREDITS: The original poster and woman featured...
Did You Know That Women Make Up 1 In 10 Engineers? This Toy Is About To Change That.
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According to Forbes "less than 20 percent of bachelor’s degrees in computer science go to women, even though female graduates hold 60 percent of...