This Parent Snapped A Picture Of Her Kid At The Beach. It’s The Most Terrifying Photo You’ll See All Year.
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During a recent trip to Manhattan Beach on Friday, June Emerson snapped a photo of her 12-year-old son and a friend waiting to catch...
His Birth Weight Is Equivalent To 5 Sticks Of Butter. He Survived Anyway.
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Ward Miles was born three months premature. He weighed just 1.5 pounds at birth, and was not held by his mother until he was...
Forget Everything You Know About Lions And Hyenas. You’re About To Be Blown Away.
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With the power of the world's greatest camera, GoPro, Kevin Richardson gives us a stunning view at his life among two animals with ferocious...
Yes, You ARE Supposed To Do Something Amazing With Your Life. And In Less Than Three Minutes, This Video Will Inspire You To Do...
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If you weren't convinced that life is short, this demonstration of the days you have left will have you rethinking your plans and making...
This Motivational And Miraculous Change Will Inspire You To Live To The Fullest Today!
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The transformation of this obese, injured vet is simply stunning. In 10 months, he loses his walking cane, his knee brace, his back pain...
In 91 Seconds Google Just Captured The Most Moving Moments Of 2013. Enjoy.
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Here's to 2013! Google just released its 2013 #Zeitgeist video containing the most moving moments and top searches in Google for 2013. Grab a...
You Be The Judge: Are These The Best Or Worst Neighbors To Have?
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We think they’d be the worst. You can probably see this house in Australia from outer space. It’s a site to behold. And here’s...
This Kid In Canada Sounds So Much Like Elvis It Will Freak You Out
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Elvis is alive and living in Canada as a teenager. No, seriously. Check this kid out. I don’t know what to believe: Is this...