Holy Schlitterbahn Update: Someone Rode The World’s Tallest Waterslide So You Don’t Have To.
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When Schlitterbahn Waterparks and Resorts first announced their triumphant installation of the world's tallest waterslide, we couldn't wait to get the full first person...
The Insanely Simple Kitchen Trick That Has Everyone’s Mind Blown.
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Life, kitchen, and brain hacks come in really handy (when you remember them), but this trick that this guy pulls out is something you...
Watch This 4’5″ Sixth Grader Absolutely Dominate The High School Basketball Team
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Julian Newman has captured the attention of the entire country with his absolutely unreal basketball skills. The middle schooler dominates the opposition on high...
She Bought Eggs At the Grocery Store…You’ll Never Guess What Happened When She Brought Them Home.
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Mandy Clayton wanted some quail eggs for a salad she was making. Now, I've never had quail eggs or this crazy idea, but she...
This Classic Song Is Played Using Nothing But Wine Bottles And A Very Unique Talent…Unbelievable.
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Gioachino Rossini's 'William Tell Overture' on Wine Bottles is some sort of inexplicable genius. The conductor, musician, wine bottle connoisseur plays a very recognizable...
What This Guy Does With A Popular App Is Absolute Genius. I Can’t Stop Watching!
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If you haven't used Snapchat before - never fear - this guy just won the entire world over with it. It's a combination of...
Woman Takes Leftover Scribbles And Turns Them Into Museum-Worthy Art. Watch And Your Mind = BLOWN.
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Mary Doodles is a self-proclaimed scribble-cleaner-upper. In this video she turns three random marks of marker into a very compelling portrait. How anyone even...
Street Musician Uses Wine Glasses And Fingertips To Play “Hallelujah”. You Won’t Believe Your Eyes Or Ears.
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Prague street musician Alexander Zoltan plays masterpieces using nothing by crystal glasses filled with water at various levels and his fingers. In this video...
School Of Dolphins Surprise Wakeboarder As They Swim, Jump And Follow Her During An Afternoon Ride!
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In Baja California Sur a school of friendly dolphins came out of nowhere much to the surprise of a woman wakeboarder and her boating...
66,000 Cups Of Colored Rain Water Come Together To Make The World’s Largest Mosaic In History. The Image It Creates Is Stunning.
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It took artist Belo Serge 62 hours and 100 volunteers to create the most unbelievable portrait you've ever seen. Belo wanted to raise awareness...