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New York
Saturday, March 15, 2025



Can You Think Of A Way To Use Sex Toys To Promote Gun Safety? This Epic PSA Did.

A gun safety advocacy group is using sex toys to start a conversation around gun safety and responsibility. An ad called "Playthings" shows two...

Watch A Family Get Shot With 3192 Paintballs In 5 Seconds To Prove A Point About Swearing.

We've tried to curb the unsavory language in our home with a swear jar - you owe the jar a $1 if you swear....

Couple Married For 50 Years Are The Definition Of Unconditional Love Through Life’s Toughest Battles.

Glad has Alzheimer's. Her husband, Bill, takes care of her the way only unconditional love can provide. A video by CVCNOW, which produces creative...

Things You Can’t Do When You’re Not A Toddler Is A Hilarious Reminder Of How Funny And Ridiculous Kids Are

Toddlers do a lot of things that would be pretty foolish if their age didn't allow the actions to be looked over. For instance,...

50 People Were Asked To Walk Into A Room Filled With Balloons. The Result Will Change Your Day.

When 50 people walked into a room filled with balloons, none of them could guess the lesson they were about to learn. A simple...

Here Are The 20 Best Jobs To Achieve A Healthy And Happy Work-Life Balance

Technology is an amazing thing, but it has completely trounced on our ability to unplug from work when the day is done. For many...

Think Homeless People Are A Bunch Of Lazy Losers With No Job? Think Again.

Impact Homelessness is an organization that’s dedicated to helping the homeless in Central Florida. In their “Rethink Homelessness” awareness campaign, they shed light on...

Must Read: NYC Restaurant Watches Recent Surveillance Videos And Shares Shocking Results With The World On Craigslist.

A busy NYC restaurant kept getting bad reviews for slow service, so they hired a firm to investigate. When they compared footage from 2004...

Look: Half Of The World’s Population Lives Here In This Circle.

According to the UN, the global population now stands at 7.2 billion. But perhaps the most striking fact is that half of the world's...

The Story Of A Dog’s Last Day On Earth Is Completely Heartbreaking…And Absolutely Incredible.

This is the story of Duke Roberts, amazing rescue animal that will affect your life greatly in the next two minutes. You will cry...

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