Can You Think Of A Way To Use Sex Toys To Promote Gun Safety? This Epic PSA Did.
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A gun safety advocacy group is using sex toys to start a conversation around gun safety and responsibility. An ad called "Playthings" shows two...
Watch A Family Get Shot With 3192 Paintballs In 5 Seconds To Prove A Point About Swearing.
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We've tried to curb the unsavory language in our home with a swear jar - you owe the jar a $1 if you swear....
Couple Married For 50 Years Are The Definition Of Unconditional Love Through Life’s Toughest Battles.
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Glad has Alzheimer's. Her husband, Bill, takes care of her the way only unconditional love can provide. A video by CVCNOW, which produces creative...
Things You Can’t Do When You’re Not A Toddler Is A Hilarious Reminder Of How Funny And Ridiculous Kids Are
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Toddlers do a lot of things that would be pretty foolish if their age didn't allow the actions to be looked over. For instance,...
50 People Were Asked To Walk Into A Room Filled With Balloons. The Result Will Change Your Day.
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When 50 people walked into a room filled with balloons, none of them could guess the lesson they were about to learn. A simple...
Here Are The 20 Best Jobs To Achieve A Healthy And Happy Work-Life Balance
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Technology is an amazing thing, but it has completely trounced on our ability to unplug from work when the day is done. For many...
Think Homeless People Are A Bunch Of Lazy Losers With No Job? Think Again.
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Impact Homelessness is an organization that’s dedicated to helping the homeless in Central Florida. In their “Rethink Homelessness” awareness campaign, they shed light on...
Must Read: NYC Restaurant Watches Recent Surveillance Videos And Shares Shocking Results With The World On Craigslist.
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A busy NYC restaurant kept getting bad reviews for slow service, so they hired a firm to investigate. When they compared footage from 2004...
Look: Half Of The World’s Population Lives Here In This Circle.
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According to the UN, the global population now stands at 7.2 billion. But perhaps the most striking fact is that half of the world's...
The Story Of A Dog’s Last Day On Earth Is Completely Heartbreaking…And Absolutely Incredible.
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This is the story of Duke Roberts, amazing rescue animal that will affect your life greatly in the next two minutes. You will cry...