10.4 C
New York
Thursday, March 6, 2025



Watch This Group Of Guys Completely Shock Unsuspecting Ladies When They Serenade Them With Classic Love Songs. Finally, A Great Valentine’s Day Idea!

Only two days remain in the most loved and loved to be hated Hallmark holiday of the year! This time of year always seems...

9 Snowman Ideas So Creative You’ll Wish For Snow!

This winter has been pretty abysmal, but where one looks for a silver lining one can usually find it. Or something like that. We...

How Do You Reduce An Adult To Tears In Less Than 8 Seconds? Just Refurbish Their Childhood Teddy Bear…

For Christmas last year Jessica's boyfriend (at the time) proposed to her. Now her fianceé, this year he was scrambling for ways to one-up...

In Honor Of His Work For Equality, Three Of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Most Powerful Quotes.

On the third Monday of every January we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s Day in the United States. Dr. King was born on January...

A Businessman Pretends To Be Homeless. What Happens Next Inspired His Whole Town.

Jonnie Wright, a businessman from Iowa, checked off an item on his bucket list over the holidays. With a desire to pay it forward,...

She Was Convinced Santa Wouldn’t Come To A Hospital (No Chimneys). She Was Wrong And I’m Still Crying.

If you don't know who Arnold Palmer is (or his children's hospital in Orlando), you should. "Arnie" received letters from the kids spending Christmas...

Do NOT Make Any New Year’s Resolutions Until You Watch This…Trust Us.

Wait a second...you mean this guy has proof that if I make a New Year's Resolution and start on January 1, there's actually a...

This Is What Happens When You Give A Kid A Horrible Christmas Gift.

Jimmy Kimmel put parents of young kids up to the challenge of giving really bad gifts for Christmas and catching their thoughts on these...

These Guys Pull An Epic Christmas “Prank” On The Homeless.

It's very rare that a prank has good intentions, but these guys spread the Christmas spirit in a way that both shocks and awes...

A Soldier Dressed Up As Santa Thinks Up A Genius Plan To Surprise His Mother On Christmas.

'Tis the season for making people in your life so happy that they are brought to tears. This mother is in for the surprise...

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