This Is What Happened When Prosecutors Kept Asking For A Statement From A Police Dog.
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The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) repeatedly contacted the West Midlands Police Department, hoping to get an account of an altercation from "Officer PC Peach"....
This 79-Year-Old Grandma Tears Up The Dance Floor With Her Unexpected Salsa Moves! Wait Till You See The Look On The Judges Faces!
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Paddy and Nico, the world's most peculiar duo, have more to offer the world than meets the eye. In this clip they blow away...
Doctor Raps A Song Explaining To Little Girl How To Take Care Of Her Cast. This Is Brilliantly Entertaining!
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This little girl may have suffered a broken bone, but she definitely got a treat when her doctor explained how to care for her...
24 People Applied For The “World’s Toughest Job” That Pays Absolutely Nothing. You’ll Be Surprised To Find Out What It Actually Is.
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A fake company by the name of Rethom Inc. posted an online job listing for a director of operations position. Applicants were told by...
Watch: World’s Funniest Flight Attendant Turns Safety Announcements Into Stand Up Comedy Routine!
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Whether you're a frequent flyer or occasional vacationer, there are very few joys of flying. One of the arts that has been lost since...
College Student Pranks Her Professor In The Most Humiliating And Hilarious Way Ever. You’ll Sympathize When He Turns Bright Red!
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It may be a week later, but this April Fools' prank is worth the watch. When a students' phone rings in this professor's class,...
If You Love The Little Things Half As Much As This Husky Loves Leaves, You Have A Really Awesome Life!
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The only thing that can be determined by this video of a husky going absolutely bonkers over a piles of leaves is that A)...
No One Would Play Fetch With This Dog, So He Learned How To Pass The Ball To Himself!
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When this adorable and playful pup couldn't find anyone to play catch with him he resorted to a very clever alternative: pass the ball...
A Woman Shakes Her Body On Stage And Makes Light Of Her Disability, Race And Gender. 25 Seconds In And She’ll Have You And...
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Maysoon Zayid is a disabled Arab-American comedian who isn't afraid to get real, be honest and change your perspective about the people and world...
15 April Fools’ Pranks That Are Harmless And Hilarious! Have The Camera Out For #10!
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The following pranks do come with this warning: make sure the person you play them on will forgive you...quickly! Now, no harm, no foul!...