10.4 C
New York
Thursday, March 6, 2025



NBA Superstar LeBron James Fulfills Life Dream For Teen With Cancer Who Was Star Player At Her High School Before Diagnosis.

LeBron James is arguably the most powerful and famous NBA star of this generation. On March 29, 2014, LeBron turned a high school basketball...

This Olympic Speedskater Is Called “The Comeback Kid.” After Watching This, You’ll Understand Why

Short track speedskater J.R. Celski is lucky to be alive. Here is his shocking journey from Olympic hopeful five months before the Vancouver Olympics,...

Bruno Mars Was An Elvis Impersonator Before He Was Famous. Here’s The Video To Prove It.

The world's youngest and best Elvis impersonator at one point in time is currently one of the biggest pop stars of our time. Yes,...

3 People That Dance To Beyoncé Better Than Beyoncé And One Celebrity That Wishes He Could.

There's a clear cut winner in the world of popular music ownership right now. That Queen is Beyoncé. The coolest part about her reign,...

There’s A Deaf Fullback Playing In The Super Bowl And This Hearing Impaired 9-Year-Old Just Gave Him Advice…Awh!!!

Earlier this week we posted a commercial by Duracell featuring Seattle Seahawks' fullback Derrick Coleman. Coleman has been deaf most of his life, and...

Arnold Schwarzenegger Tried To Prank People At A Gym. The Best Part Of The “Prank” Was Everyone Seeing Through His Disguise!

There's nothing better than someone with time and money can do beside participating in a cause that raises money for the less fortunate. In...

68 Percent Of Billionaires Are “Self-Made”. Here Are The Habits That Got Them There…

*Full disclosure: participating in the habits below may not make you a billionaire, but it will make you a highly productive, minimally distracted person....

These Celebrity Chefs Prove Peace In The Middle East Is Possible.

My friend gave me the award winning cookbook "Plenty" this year for my birthday. It's gorgeous, breathtaking, yet very, very simple delicious and fragrant...

If You Thought That iPad Painting Of Morgan Freeman Was Hot, Check Out The One They Just Did Of Beyoncé…

Kyle Lambert's claim to fame is the recently viral video of him painting Morgan Freeman's portrait using his fingers on an iPad. Now that...

This Girl Just Received Christmas Gifts From Her Secret Santa “Bill”. Then She Found Out “Bill” Was Bill Gates!

Rachel was a participant in Reddit's online Secret Santa gift exchange and had a decent list of things she wanted this year: an iPad,...

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