Killer Whales Chase After A Married Couple On A Speed Boat. I Had No Idea This Could Happen, But I’m Happy They Filmed It!
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Rich Howard and his wife were on a vacation in Mexico celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. They went out on a boat and a...
Watch: Hidden Camera Captures A Dog Breaking The Rules And Throwing Itself A Party The Second Her Owner Leaves.
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When a dog owner suspected her dog may be jumping on the bed when she leaves, she decided to set up a "hidden camera"...
The World’s Most Perfect Photo Of A Parrot Isn’t Actually A Photo. You’ll Be Shocked When You See What It Really Is.
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This picturesque parrot perching on a tree is actually a woman covered in body paint. Artist Johannes Stoetter, a former world champion body painter,...
This Rescued Stray Dog’s Hair Was So Matted It Looked Like A Pile Of Trash. How They Cleaned Him Up And Saved His Life...
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Some may find the next images of a cute stray dog hard to see, but the story ends on a positive note---promise! A group...
Get Ready For Goosebumps…This Wild Goose Fell So In Love With This Retiree They Put It In A Zoo.
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For two years Dominic Ehrler, and the goose he's dubbed as "Mario", have shared a special bond that started in Echo Park, a public...
Watch: The Surreal View Of The World From A Pelican’s Beak As It Learns To Fly For The First Time In Its Life!
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If you've ever wondered how amazing the world looks from a bird's perspective, search no more! This pelican lost its parents and washed ashore...
The Most Vicious Predator In Antarctica Approached A Terrified Diver. When She Tried To Eat His Camera, This Is What Happened…
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I'm ashamed to say that I didn't realize there was a distinct difference between sea lions and a leopard seal. When a National Geographic...
Watch: After Being Lost And Alone For 7 Months, This Dog Sees Someone She Never Thought She’d See Again…It’s Truly An Incredible Reunion!
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Dora ran away from home after being scared by fireworks. Despite the family desperately searching for their lovable pup, they gave up hope thinking...
Watch: Meet The Happiest Dog In The World. No One Likes Their Head Rubbed More Than This Husky!
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This husky known as Silver is hesitant at first, but realizes that the apparatus it's owner is using is about to make his day...
This Is What Happens When A Monkey Steals Your Camera. It’s Hilarious, But Doesn’t End Pretty!
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I can't really relate to someone that would put an expensive camera down while in the presence of wild yet very intelligent animals, but...