Every day we face these little challenges that threaten our patience. Whether it’s hammering our thumb because we missed a nail on the wall, or putting condiments on a table for a barbecue, there have to be inventions that make these problems totally non-existent, right? Well, you could buy it on “As Seen On TV”, or you could just use these 71 life hacks to make your day that much easier. I had so many “aha!” moments when putting this together…and you will, too! So go on and tackle even the most menial of annoyances with a guide that we promise won’t steer you wrong.
I can’t believe I wasted all of that Nutella…
If you still have a CD spindle, that is.
Bread tabs can be used for a variety of things as you see below, but this is one way that really blew my mind. Of course! This is what they were originally made for, right? Floridian problems just got that much less complicated.
Keep your popsicle from dripping down your hand with cupcake foil!
Use the top of a water bottle on a bag of chocolate chips to avoid “overchipping” and a huge mess!
No more using your thumb as a buffer!
Kids grow out of their crib? No fear, this will do the trick for a few more years.
For the “aggressive” car exiters…
New Yorkers, this one’s for you:
However, if your fly is perpetually down, you may want to look into other solutions.
Put an end to looking like a crazy ketchup lover and stop carrying 6 cups of tomato sauce to your table.
Yeah, this is officially what I’ll be using in the summertime.
So that’s what the cream inside an Oreo is for!
No more buying kitchen gadgets. Head over to you closet and use this life hack to dominate in the kitchen!
OMG! This is GENIUS!
Hey, remember that movie you borrowed? If you don’t, here’s a photo!
This is also scientifically proven to save 75% of the strawberry you cut off when trying to remove the stem.
Take the little sliver of soap that’s barely alive and reincarnate it by placing it on a brand new piece of soap! Money = saved.
Limit your paranoid walks to the sliding glass door to make sure it’s locked, you’ll be able to see if it is from your couch 😉
Tennis balls do so many things: remove scuffs from tennis shoes, best toy to play fetch with your dog, but who knew they could also hold things!
I still don’t get it, but they tried…how to tie a tie.
Work-free spring cleaning. This is worth utilizing on a monthly basis.
Placing a banana in a bag with an avocado will speed up the ripening process. So, next time you think guacamole has to wait a week, try this trick!
The fastest way to get liquid out of a bottle: Step 1: Swirl to make a tornado. Step 2: Flip upside-down and watch magic!
To put on a swim cap, fill it with water, hang over head and PLOP, it’s on flawlessly!
CREDITS: Images found on Imgur and TheMetaPicture.